Camp Sertoma for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children is looking for signing cabin counselors and Deaf or hard of hearing cabin counselors to provide leadership and daily support of Deaf, hard of hearing or hearing children with Deaf or hard of hearing family members for our weeklong Camp Sertoma for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children (formerly known as Sertoma Deaf Camp).
Camp Sertoma is held at Millstone 4-H Center, in the heart of the Sandhills Gamelands, near Ellerbe, NC. Counselors will be required to attend training the Friday or Saturday before camp starts and then provide assistance and leadership during the week of Camp Sertoma (at Millstone).
Training days: July 25, 26 & 27, 2025
Camp week: July 27-Aug 1, 2025
Applicants should have skills to work with Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing campers. Certified Interpreters as well as ASL 101 students are encouraged to apply. Prior experience with working with children in a camping environment will be considered. Applicants must be at least 18 and have completed high school.
Campers will be assigned to cabins by age group (4 adventurous/outdoorsy staff will be placed in adventure camp).
Our ratio of counselors to campers will be 1:4 for each cabin. We are anticipating up to 6 cabins of boys and 6 cabins of girls - with up to 80 campers ages 8-14 at main camp, and up to 16 campers ages 15-16 at adventure camp.
Counselors will stay in the cabins with the campers and accompany them throughout the week to all activities. Signing counselors will work in conjunction with the non-signing 4-H summer staff to make the week of Camp Sertoma a memorable and meaningful week for all campers.
Camp Sertoma Signing Staff will be paid depending on experience. Staff members receive a salary, meals, housing, and training. You will be paid for the training day(s) as well as camp week.
Camp Sertoma for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer.
Interested in working as part of the (week-long) Camp Sertoma staff this summer?
If so, please download and complete the Staff or CIT Application (.doc or .pdf) and email to our Camp Sertoma Program Coordinator at
***Staff application deadline is May 1, 2025***
**CIT application deadline is April 15, 2025**
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